Tuesday, December 4, 2012

United We Mend, Divided We Stall

"Twinkling Tuesday..."
... it's a term I made up to help brighten my sister's morning today, and it ended up being so close to literal, I smiled from ear to ear upon the realization of it.

This is what my morning looked like. I caught up on that soul stuffing Word of God that I had been missing in my daily life for quite some time now. Our tree was lit, the message fit, and I suddenly began thinking of all the twinkling going on in my life.

Today is December 4th, 2012.

This year is coming to an end, and reflection has become a regular practice for me. Last month was Facebook's famous Give Thanks November (it was also, "no shave November," but anyway... I don't have a beard... so...). I didn't feel the need to post each day for the things I'm thankful for, and here's why:

1. I am thankful for the same BILLION things I'm thankful for any other month of the year. My posts would be long and repetitive.
2. I was reminded by the love of my life just recently that actions speak louder than words. I may be good with the ol' English language, but... he's right. So, I spent my days SHOWING those I love just how thankful I am for them.

3. HERE'S THE THING, YA'LL... there is only one thanks-giving, a TRUE praise that should trump all and cover all bases... and that's that of God's love. It's omnipotent, it's never dying, it's THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.

I had forgotten, too...
I had forgotten what it's like to watch the sunrise through the window to the right, while admiring a sparking, ornamented, beautiful symbol of the season, sip on some warm Blueberry Cobbler coffee, to listen to AND... 
FEEL the love of God 
through the Word.

Upon closure of Pastor Stovall's message, I immediately shot a text over to my best bud. I needed her to help me pass along a message.
There is a girl in our lives that is going through a weeping season. 
The same loss that we had suffered just a few months ago, has eaten at her so deeply that she has become a mere shell of who she used to be. She has walked to the valley and set up shop, ya'll.  I mean... she brought a generator, her favorite slippers, some numbing toxins and herself into the valley to stay. 

After the initial anger that came with the destruction she is burdening everyone else with, I chose to channel that anger toward my purpose in life, as God's daughter, to be quiet, and gentle... to love unconditionally and help to heal.

I'm requesting a little prayer.


It's the original social network, right?

United we mend, divided we stall.

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