Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It's a good day to take a day.

It's a good day to take a day.

There seems to be something speaking to me lately. The bubble has sort of popped, and there's a new air surrounding my soul. 

This morning, the bedroom window pulled a different shade of light to my right. The space between myself and the sun was so magnetic it was hard for me not to stare... not to take a moment... not to take it in... to take a day. 

What's going for me? What am I going for? 
Where the hell AM I?

My first awakened breath was filled with pain today. I was sick, I was tired, I was (so prophetically said) sick, and tired.

I rolled over to my person... wrapped in a robe and still warm from a shower... and I whispered without strength, "I just can't do it today."

It was a much more stuffed statement than it sounded, I promise you. It was meaty, it was meaningful-seasoned with solemn, and swallowed like a nervous habit. I had realized that I had worn myself down. Aside from the physical ailments, I had finally hit a point of exhaustion that I couldn't return from, and whatever, or whoever was speaking to me to just TAKE A DAMN MINUTE was being heard loudly, and clearly.


Here I am. Taking a day.

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